Event: Play creatively with poetry – Lionbooks
Name: Event: Play creatively with poetry- Lionbooks
Time: 02/04/2023
Address: Polygon Musik [Floor 1]
EVENT: Play and create poems
Launching the book series Cùng con nói hay, nghĩ đẹp – Exchange and share with author Phan Ho Diep – Open up a space for children to interact and create language!

For parents:
Meet, share and exchange with:
- Ms. Phan Ho Diep – author of a series of books, lecturer at Hanoi National University of Education majoring in Special Education;
- Ms. Nguyen Thu Ha – Principal of Hanoi Westminster School;
- Ms. Nguyen Chieu Xuan – Representative of Lionbooks book publishing unit
… on the topic of language development and nurturing thinking for children from 0 to 8 years old; Teach parents how to read books with their children effectively,…
For the little ones:
Participating in interactive poetry reading activities: playing the game The race of two drops of water, reading creative poetry with Ms. Phan Ho Diep,…
Paint your own world based on the poems “What’s reversed?”, “The cat description”,…
Join the Music Storytelling workshop with Lionbooks!