Quái vật tí hon & Hải Bột (Cover Show)


Time: 24/11/2023

Address: Polygon Musik

“How Long Has It Been” – Little Monster cover show – Journey of emotions.

1 “Rockband” is not noisy, but their music comes from simple but profound lyrics. The name sounds very funny, but each member is very experienced in music. That may be the reason why Little Monster is different. Once considered a phenomenon of the Vietnamese rock scene, Little Monster broke many standards in composition, bringing a new breeze to Vietnamese rock in the early 2010s.

And those who love QVTH will probably never forget Hai Bot – the singer and main composer of the band. A naive artist, very wild, unconventional, but also very simple. His music is a narrative about his own life, but each of us somewhere sees ourselves and our lives in it. That is the best thing, the most wonderful thing that Hai Bot brings to the audience. Anyone who loves and learns about him knows that he was once a part of Microwave. From the thorny, wild, strong music of his 18s and 20s, we have been accompanied by Hai Bot’s “maturity” in the album Duong Ve and many of his other later compositions.

It’s been a long time since Polygon Musik wanted to bring the music of QVTH and Hai Bot to the stage. Perhaps a lot of audiences are also looking forward to this, because they have “almost” stopped working, but the melodies and lyrics of QVTH and Hai Bo are still attractive. We will once again sing those familiar songs with the band and singers Duong Tran Nghia, Viet Lam, and Duc Bui. See you at 8:30 p.m. Friday, November 24 at Polygon Musik.


Early Bird Coupon registered from November 19 to 23.

Coupon price: 200k/coupon including 01 drink Registration link: https://forms.gle/TacnSLLdMDrJF8J98