Quyếch Screening Party & Talk Show


Time: 06/10/2023

Address: Event Space

During the pre-release event of the MV series for this EP, I want to meet everyone again – those who have been accompanying Quyếch until now – in a space that is easier to chat with than the stage, to celebrate what has happened, and to be excited about what is to come.

With the help of COMPLEX 01 co-organizers and friends, this premiere event will also operate as an intimate talk show, where I will chat with the show host and the audience about my real journey. Presenting a series of MVs in particular and EPs in general, reflections on the artistic journey to date, and upcoming plans.

Attendees will receive a set of EP logo stickers and latest artwork, and enjoy free tea and fruit juice during the event. To create an intimate and comfortable atmosphere, the event will arrange for audiences to sit on the ground and provide shoe racks (audiences are encouraged to bring additional small pillows/seat cushions to increase their comfort).

Ticket price booked online: 135k/ticket

Ticket price at the door: 160k/ticket Online ticket booking form: https://forms.gle/35g18pYtxCmfpTPY7