Sick Enough To Die – Kpop Cover Show


Time: 19/11/2023

Address: Polygon Musik

Sick enough to die – the famous hit of MC Mong and Mellow – is the song chosen as the theme for the first Korean song top hits show held at Polygon Musik.

The music night has been cherished for a long time because finding the right artist is not easy, when Korean music songs are very elaborately arranged as well as interwoven between singing and rapping. After a long time of hard practice for the artists, Sick Enough To Die – Korean song top hits will be performed at Polygon Musik at 8:30 p.m. on November 19.

We specially announced the tracklist right from the beginning so that Korean music fans can review their lessons in time to sing and burn their hearts out with Fortiz band and singers Yen Ha, Hieu Jim, and Phan Tuan in this show. .

Early Bird is officially open from November 13 to November 18. Quickly register at: