The VPop World 2000s 17/12


Time: 17/11/2023

Address: Polygon Musik

The VPop World 2000s December 17 – Music night with nearly 30 hits by singers My Tam, My Le, Hong Ngoc, Thu Minh, H.A.T, Tuan Hung, Duy Manh, Ung Hoang Phuc, Quanh Vinh, Thu Thuy, Luong Bang Quang…. once made waves in the series “Love Melody” and “Green Wave” in the 2000s.

The two decades from the early 90s to 2010 can be called the golden age of VPop. There have been so many successful artists from this period who are influential until now. The vitality of VPop songs at that time influenced the entire 8X and 9X generations and to this day is still covered and renewed by many young artists. Polygon Musik’s own audiences have also proven that after the success of two Vpop music nights, “Chinese Music with Vietnamese Lyrics” and “Blue Wave Music Night”. Continuing the series of Vietnamese Pop music nights, this music night with the theme “VPop World 2000s” will bring a different color, the beginning of the Teen Pop movement in the later period, also the period associated with the youth of young men in the late 80s and early 90s.

If the song list and singers of this music night accidentally touch someone’s “tough childhood”, please hurry up and hunt for the “early birds”.

● The “early bird” gate closes at 11:59 p.m. tonight – December 16!!! (This will be a concert with seats)

● Early bird coupon 200k includes 01 drink.

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