Love Birth Story – Liveshow Valentine’s Day


Name: Love Birth Story – Liveshow Valentine’s Day

Time: 20:45 – 23:00 Thứ 3 ngày 14/02/2023

Address: Polygon Musik [Floor 1]

To join in the atmosphere of Valentine’s Day (February 14), Polygon Musik will bring a mini game and a special liveshow with the theme of love and special gifts for you.
Whether you’re single, single, or in a long-distance relationship, don’t be afraid to share your love stories with a photo with Polygon.
Polygon will post your stories on Polygon Musik’s page and the 10 most loved love stories will receive a special gift from Polygon Musik.

  • From February 6 to February 10: Share your story via inbox page Polygon Musik
  • From February 10 to February 12: Impressive stories will be posted on Polygon Musik page. Voting is calculated by likes & shares.
  • February 12: The 10 most popular stories announced. Gifts were given during the music night at Polygon Musik on February 14.